Monday, November 23, 2009

The Parker Family

It has been a very busy fall here at NPP. We are trying so hard to stay ahead of the game, with Christmas right around the corner. I apologize for not keeping our website and blog up to date, but will remedy that as soon as I have a chance. For now, I'd like to take a quick second to introduce you to the Parkers. My sister married Beau Parker back in October. To say the very least, our family has grown! Austin is 11 and an aspiring pianist. His natural talent amazes me! Garrett is eight, and actually the reason I'm writing this blog. He noticed Gavin's pictures all over my website and blog, and wanted to be on here too! Anyway, Garrett is a spunky kid with a fun personality. He talks ALMOST as much as I do! So, not that I'd ever pick a favorite, but beings this is Garrett's wish, I have a picture of him by himself posted! On to Dakota and Wyatt. They are twins that are just two weeks older than Gavin. We call the them the triplets. Dakota is all smiles and full of hugs. She got her first Barbie from Grandma Ruth for her 4th birthday and I can hardly wait to go "play Barbies" a few times this winter. Wyatt...what to say about Wyatt? Wyatt is busy. Although I'm sure Jenni and Beau find that to be stressful, I find it cute as heck! He goes a mile a minute but is also full of hugs and smiles. I should also mention that Beau is a wonderful person. He is so quiet, but always smiling. He is a fabulous father and head over heels in love with his wife. Our family has grown and my heart is happy!